Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Blessing Interruption

As a business owner its's important to know the strengths and weaknesses of those around you. In reference to weakness, when I recognize an area for growth I move right into a development plan for improvement. Its always going to be about making that person better. However; when the process is presented, that person may not always view it as a plan for improvement but, one for revealing failure. When a person is not willing to trust the one that can see the potential for growth, and declines the suggested plan, that person only short changes themself and ultimately, the blessing of empowerment to improve is aborted. That is the same thing we do when God has placed us in a place for change. He provides direction through His Word, ministry leaders and teachers but, because change must take place; change that will require a different way of thinking, a process unfamiliar, a battle of two wills begin. When growth takes place, the outer shell (the old way/habit/process/thinking) must die. Without death there can be no new life. I'm not talking physical death. I am speaking of the old ways. Letting go of the old and accepting the new, makes way for growth. If you have found yourself in a place where things are not improving, pray. Ask God for direction. He know's our strengths and weaknesses, He has a plan; it's called, the Bible. In psalms 139:16 say, "all the days of my life are written in your book"... that being said, read His plan for your life. Your next is waiting on you. 1. It's time for change. 2. Seek out the developer for change. 3. Read the plan. 4. Submit to it's instruction. 5. Experience growth and change. Why? Because your community needs what God has placed inside of you.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Will You Share What You Have Been Given?

Read John 13:1-17

Focus: (14) Jesus says, "Since I have washed your feet you should wash each others." He gave us an example to follow. "Do as I have done for you." (17) That is the path of blessing. (John 13: 14,17 NLT)

Sometimes we struggle so much with what we should be doing for others, or, are we even obligated to help others? "Why should we, we did it on our own and we made it, right?" How many of you have thought, or perhaps, said it? Well, I have. I wrestled with the thought a few times, but you know, in my deepest, darkess, times of struggling, testing of my faith, or when the storms raged so fiercly I thought I should really just die, the Spirit of the Lord was there. God's love would not allow me to give up. I thought I gave up, but somehow, when I was on the floor, I could sink not lower, there was a strength within that would cause me to get UP!

The strength in me, as the Bible says, "He is made strong, when I am weak." Yes, that's the strength that has gotten me up. I can't explain it, but it moves beyond my physical self. I use that as an example of what Jesus is saying to His disciples when He wrapped the towel around His waist, filled the basin (bowl) with water and proceeded to kneel and wash each of their feet. Peter was a little uncomfortable, he even said, "you will not wash my feet."... However, Jesus was setting an example; the example of humility. He knew who He was, and why He came, but that was not the focus, His focus was to example a servant's heart. When Jesus steps into your life and does for you things that you know in your heart you don't deserve, He is showing you how valuable you are; how much He loves you.

The same un-deserving love that was given to you, time and time again, should be shown to others that God allows to cross you path. How many times have you messed up on your finances or relationships that you share? But, somehow, you find yourself restored, forgiven, and starting over again. If you have been on the receiving end of father's unfailing love, shouldn't you be ready, willing, and able to show this same love to another?

Phil. 2:3-4 Jesus says, "don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression on others, be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. Don't think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too, and what they are doing."

I leave you with this thought; the next person God allows to cross your path may be in need of something that you have received from the Father in the past, will you be ready, willing, and able to share?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Problem to Resolution

I walked passed a lady the other day; her head hung down, she wouldn't look at me. I asked the obvious question, are you okay? "No" she replied, she continued with how she was ready to leave this earth, prayers weren't answered, obviously she made mistakes throughout her life. She went on to share how her life was one bad choice after another, all hope was gone. I felt so bad for this lady I didn't know how to help her, money was not going to solve her problem, she kindly dismissed my suggestion of prayer and preferred to be left alone.

As I walked away, I looked up and asked God, "what could I have said to help someone who has lost all hope?" God answered with the resolution to someone who has crossed the path of the lost; come to me with your heart and ask me, "what is it that you need to do through me?"

A burden in your heart of another will be resolved if you allow God to flow through you to the one that has lost all hope. Be the conduit; that's what the Father needs from His children.

Ask yourself, Do I have a burden for another? Is my heart open and willing for God to flow through? Am I able to be obedient to His direction? As Jesus said in the Garden of Gethsemane, "My soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death; tarry ye here, and watch. And he went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that, if it were possible the hour might pass from him. And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee, take away this cup from me; nevertheless not what I will, but what thou will. (Mark 14:34-36 KJV)

If we take the same stance as Jesus did when faced with a situation that was bigger than himself, in our busy-ness, when we just don't feel like taking time for someone else, "let the God in you flow through to reach the one that is hurt." It's always bigger than us, impossible for our ability, but with God all things are possible.

Think about it before you walk away, ponder; if it were you......

Sunday, April 25, 2010

When you're loved by God

I recently posted a song by a songstress from Bishop Paul Morton's church; "Flow to you". I know this song has been out for awhile, but it expresses my heart to the Lord. As I listened to the words I just imagined that my Father God was saying it to me. That all my worship would cause the Love of God to flow to me. When God is loving on us there is nothing we can't overcome.

God is saying, Praise is corporate but, Worship in personal. Intimacy with God is experienced through worship. When you feel you can't go on, worship. I know you're probably thinking, I can't, worship will require me to expose myself. Well, that's what God wants from us. Exposure, according to Merriam-Webster; 2. with film expose it light, 3. transparency; with the application of light one can see through what it really is. Not that God doesn't know who you are, He created you. It's because He is our creator that He wants us transparent with Him so He can reflect just who we really are to Him.

We are wonderfully and marvelously made. He created us in His image (Gen. 1:26) Why did He make us in His image? Because, He wants us to have dominion over everything else He created. He gave us charge to dominate every circumstance in our life. So I say again, worship Him. He will flow His love to you. Allow Him to reflect who you are to Him, not what your circumstance says, not what others are saying about you, but what He is saying to you with His love.

Flow To You - Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Imagine if you had a conversation with God. He initiated it by saying,"I treasure my time spent with you. My desire is for you to share your heart with me. I want to share what I see, to pour my love over you and the rest of my children but, most don't sit long enough to hear my plan for the day." "There are so many that will cross your path, I hear their cry. Will you allow me to speak through you?"

Suppose I said no, I have plans today; who would be missed?