Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Blessing Interruption

As a business owner its's important to know the strengths and weaknesses of those around you. In reference to weakness, when I recognize an area for growth I move right into a development plan for improvement. Its always going to be about making that person better. However; when the process is presented, that person may not always view it as a plan for improvement but, one for revealing failure. When a person is not willing to trust the one that can see the potential for growth, and declines the suggested plan, that person only short changes themself and ultimately, the blessing of empowerment to improve is aborted. That is the same thing we do when God has placed us in a place for change. He provides direction through His Word, ministry leaders and teachers but, because change must take place; change that will require a different way of thinking, a process unfamiliar, a battle of two wills begin. When growth takes place, the outer shell (the old way/habit/process/thinking) must die. Without death there can be no new life. I'm not talking physical death. I am speaking of the old ways. Letting go of the old and accepting the new, makes way for growth. If you have found yourself in a place where things are not improving, pray. Ask God for direction. He know's our strengths and weaknesses, He has a plan; it's called, the Bible. In psalms 139:16 say, "all the days of my life are written in your book"... that being said, read His plan for your life. Your next is waiting on you. 1. It's time for change. 2. Seek out the developer for change. 3. Read the plan. 4. Submit to it's instruction. 5. Experience growth and change. Why? Because your community needs what God has placed inside of you.

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